This is a very small, private web site dedicated to creating exposure for really nice, used stuff that we want to sell in the Boise area.
Some folks would call us anal-retentive, but we prefer the the more polite terms like "detail-oriented." Basically, it just means that we take great pride in our stuff, and we go out of our way to take good care of it. The vast majority of our used stuff looks as good as brand new to most other folks. We keep our original boxes (for smaller stuff), manuals, and all original accessories so that when we eventually sell it (to folks like you), we can offer you a like-new buying experience. We find that most buyers appreciate the extra effort, and yet it remains a not-so-common practice.
We love eBay, and would love to sell this stuff there, if it weren't for the inconvenient size and weight of these items. While it might be possible to pack and ship our things, we just don't want to bother with it, so this stuff is for local pickup only.
Please read more about us, let us know what you think via e-mail, and of course, be sure to check out our current products page, or just click on the links below.
Thanks for visiting!